We completed the pollinator sampling activities.
The monitoring protocol was applied in four macro-areas: two in Emilia-Romagna and two in Tuscany. Each macro-area included an agroecological site with eco-friendly measures for pollinators, one conventional site without mitigation measures, and one natural site. Apple orchards were monitored in Emilia-Romagna and vineyards in Tuscany. Sampling of pollinator insects occurred twice: in late spring and summer, with two 250-meter transect per site. Abundance of pollinators (bees, hoverflies and butterflies) was recorded and preserved for biodiversity indices calculation. The available flower resources for pollinators were measured via photographs every 50 meters. Individuals from the three most abundant species were sampled to detect biomarkers, fluctuating asymmetry and pesticides residues. Additionally, flowers from the apple tree and wild flowers were collected for chemical pesticide residue analysis.